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  • Writer's pictureKristen Pearson

On the third week she rested - MLDfa3

And, on the third week, she rested. This week I really learned the importance of self-care.

I woke up on Monday with a pretty sore throat but I pushed through. We had worship in the morning and I took time to create a checklist for myself for my daily and weekly responsibilities they are very much growing since I first stepped into this office role last quarter. I finalized a few campus projects and made plans for the following day as Tuesdays have become busy days.

Tuesday I woke up to 24deg F weather with a feels like temp of 19 F! To say it was a cold day is an understatement. It's actually been below freezing everyday for over a month now but it has yet to snow since the beginning of December. I woke up to everything white however, it was a frosty morning. A big perk of my day was that a student from the hotel school came and visited us and we invited her for a coffee and to chat. She graduates this week and we got to encourage her and pray for her as she moved to London to manage a hotel. She donated some stuff to our free boutique I went to go organize her donations and I got a yoga mat and a 32g flash drive. 2 things I've been hoping to buy but haven't had extra funds for. God knew.

I started on some projects for our upcoming love feast in February and finalized personal project that I've been working on for a few months now. I was also able to get down all the copy and photos for my newsletter. I made a lot of progress however by lunch I knew I needed to go back home and rest.

Wednesday I made plans to stay home but woke up to a lot of people needing my help so I headed to the base and worked the morning service introducing the students to ministry circles. Then I went and finalized a handful of things in my office but went home before lunch I crashed. I slept nearly all day the few times I did wake up I made some tea... ginger, lemon, apple cider vinegar, honey, cinnamon, orange peel, maple syrup, and camomile.

I woke up Thursday at 7 feeling ok so I did my morning job responsibilities and went to town to pick up the weekly bouquets... But after setting up decor and cleaning up I was down for the count, I went home and to bed, I didn't even come back for the night which happened to be Swiss night one of my favorite nights of the quarter.

I slept in a bit then more on and off Friday till around lunch. I woke up feeling much better showered and went to work, I got a lot done in the afternoon we finalized plans for an upcoming outreach and for the love feast in Feb. It was a pretty productive day.

I needed to just stop and rest and I was rewarded with a quick recovery.

On Saturdays, in the winter we take the students to the mountains. I took a small group to visit the village in Villars. We walked nearly 10k! It was a fun day. My group had never seen snow before, it was unfortunately not a snow day it hasn't actually snowed here (in Lausanne) since early December. But I managed to find them a big snowbank and they loved it.

They played and enjoyed it so much. We had a fun day. That night when we arrived home we had about an hour of downtime and it was off again. This time to celebrate the lunar new year! You may not know this but our student and staff population has a large portion of Korean and Chinese members. Our quarter 2 DTS is nearly exclusively Korean, usually over 30 students. We make the whole quarter bi-lingual. Well, the current group of them spent the afternoon preparing dumplings, rice cake soup, kimchi, rice, veggie pancakes and more... it was a delicious feast with an awesome family!

I'm glad I took a time to rest, and even just getting out of town for the day was a nice mental break. I feel a busy rush is coming in the next weeks... we start ministry circles tomorrow! This quarter I have upped the game from just Bible journaling to a full creative circle. We will learn a lot of handcrafts such as watercolor, hand lettering, crochet, hand sewing, and jewelry making. I'm excited to see what this next season holds! I know, I say that every week but I know it's gonna be a good quarter! :)

I am still actively looking for both monthly and one time supporters. Please click the chart below to be directed to my YWAM Lausanne account to give. Any one-time amount is amazing, the chart below shows (the acorns) on what monthly gifts I still need to be fully funded in this missions adventure. Please pray and click below to give. CLICK HERE

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