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  • Writer's pictureKristen Pearson

Christmas Break - MLDfa1

Updated: Jan 13, 2020

Christmas vacation has now come and gone. Tomorrow is the first day of our q1 and the first quarter of the year. I'm officially no longer a student, however, I am taking an internship related to the school that I just took and I still have homework and to write blogs so here we go... this is blog one.

Christmas break... it was a pretty long but restful time between school and now getting back into the office. I moved into my own room in the staff house which is super exciting. It's very cute it's got white walls and hardwood floors two large closets and a shelf full of all my plants I picked up a nice bedside table and even has a desk. It's nice to have my own space, I've been able to pick up a few accessories to make it even more on my own. I think that was for me the best part of Christmas break just knowing that throughout the whole time that I've been here just trusting on God's promises that they would be space and a place for me in the staff housing and then getting to see that come to fruition was a great joy and is a great joy.

For New years I went to the city of Bern and hang out with my close friend Fabien. She invited me and blessed me with the ticket to be able to come. We had a great time just hanging out with her brother and watching movies and cooking food. On New year's night, we had a little girls night and then got up quite early in the morning to drive to a ski resort. No, we didn't do New year's skiing but we did arrive before sunrise climbed up a bit on the snow-covered mountain and watch the sunrise for the first time in the year 2020 visually that was my favorite part of Christmas break and to get to spend it with a great friend who has ambitious dreams and desires and likes to go on random adventures just as much as I do was definitely a perk.

I think this break was also a reminder to be careful of getting my hopes up. Before this break happened we had discussed a lot of plans and then I anticipated a lot of adventures but then when it came down to it most people that were here on break decided that it was time better spent doing not much of anything which I guess for some people that's important but my anticipation kind of crashed. Before heading to burn I really was frustrated that we didn't take better advantage of the time we are offered and the privileges that we were given throughout the break being able to use stuff vehicles and be intentional about cooking and purchasing food and going on trips I feel like the doors were open for us and we just didn't really walk through them. That was challenging but the nice thing is a lot of the things that we plan to do we're related to snow whether that be skiing or tubing are going to different markets and it's the winter here so we have a chance to do a lot of those. I know that in this quarter we've been challenged to take on those times and opportunities to grab some friends and go do them because what's the point of living in Switzerland if you can experience it? I'm excited for that.

I think in 2020 God's really been speaking to me in many different ways. According to a quiz online "you know totally legit" my word for 2020 is abide and I kind of feel like that's been my word for the last few years just patiently waiting for what God has for me but also being willing to go along for the ride as I wait. For well at this point who knows what. I think on a smaller scale I think the things that I feel like God is challenging me towards a few things, obviously fundraising is near the top but I think also in the priorities of this year I really need to learn how to create Timothy's because I can't do everything but God has given me gifts that I can share with others. I think that he is calling me to take the skills and knowledge that I have and teach them to others and even if in just small doses give them an opportunity to step up in different areas and not always have to do things myself. I think this year is going to be full of challenges and lots of new learning and especially in places that I didn't think I would ever be placed in such as administration and bookkeeping registration all those types of things.

I plan to take on the challenge of a registration role for the UofN meetings for 2020 and that's totally something new... well, not really I've done registration for camps before but not for events like this but I'm excited for whatever this looks like I'm just along for the ride.

I think I have some personal expectations and how I want to meet with God this year. I think i want to take a lot a lot more walks in the woods and I want to be more intentional with knowing my value and my self-worth and work on knowing who I am and why I'm here. Growing in carrying those as truths because that's the only way that I'm going to have strong self-esteem and self-confidence. God knows who I am of course... he made me that way but I'd like to know his whys and get some clarity on some of the ways that I am and what his long-term goals are for me. Those are really important... more important than my long-term goals for myself.

I'm excited for what this year holds and if you follow my blog you get to go on this journey with me so for at least the next six months you get to see what's up as I will be posting here consistently each week. Follow me onward through the adventure... in the office, in the snow down at the lake, wherever he leads. I know I don't always post so much about what we do here as a mission hands-on but I think it's because missions has just become part of every step that I take its part of everything that I do and so I don't often think of having to explain my why because it just is it's my lifestyle but in these next few months I'm going to try to be more intentional about giving you some more backstory on what YWAM does and how what are doing daily in our roles in this office are able to do to impact the next future generation of missionaries.

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