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MLD Lausanne, Switzerland- Week 9

To say that this week was busy would be an understatement. We held our largest-ever love feast and graduation ceremony as well as...

MLD Lausanne, Switzerland- Week 8

This week felt like it snow down a little bit. On Sunday we got our first big snow quite a few inches and a few friends and I got to go...

MLD Lausanne, Switzerland- Week 6

It's week 6, can you believe it? This is been a super busy week... Monday we Launched Ministry Circles and Tuesday we moved classrooms as...

MLD Lausanne, Switzerland- Week 5

It's week 5 in ministry and leadership development school and this week has been fundraising week. This week has been enlightening and...

MLD Lausanne, Switzerland- Week 4

It's week 4 of the Ministry and Leadership Development school here at YWAM Lausanne in Switzerland. This week we focused on community...

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