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  • Writer's pictureKristen Pearson

MLD Lausanne, Switzerland- Week 6

Updated: Nov 15, 2019

It's week 6, can you believe it? This is been a super busy week... Monday we Launched Ministry Circles and Tuesday we moved classrooms as the BCC came home from outreach. I'm so excited to have them back Janet, Tanner, Sondra and Fenja... so excited! Wednesday and Thursday we had Dan Baumann in to tell us some amazing stories about miracles that have happened in his life. He was imprisoned in Iran for 9 weeks, and just last year he fell 20 Meters off a cliff in Hawaii. he's lived through both and gets to share Gods faithfulness with the world through his testimony!

A handful of us hosted a North American culture night where we shared a few US cultural nuggets, played a random facts of america Kahoot, ate American Christmas treats (Puppy chow, Oreo balls and chocolate covered popcorn) and watched ELF!

The rest of our week was jam packed... we had a community meeting, hospitality seminar and I spend Saturday in town with an awesome friend.

I'm so excited that ministries circles finally started I've been planning on hosting a ministry circle since before I even moved back to Switzerland I collected washi tape and stamps and sticker books different journaling accessories tons of little odds and ends to bring with me to host this awesome Bible journaling Ministry circle. It's an opportunity to spend a few hours praying to the Lord and using our creative skills to this really express to him our love. last week we watched an illustrated faith video on different types of Bible journaling because I didn't want anybody to be intimidated. I knew a lot of people had never done Bible journaling before, especially because six of my group members were guys I was very surprised. The video really showed that you don't have to have artistic skills you can even do Bible journaling just stickers and tape you don't even have to paint. We spent a few hours just with all the supplies out all over the tables stickers and acrylic paints, watercolors and markers, pencils colored paper scraps and all sorts of things. I gave a bit of instruction and then let them be expressive and try things out and it was so cool to see what everyone created. This week we're going to focus on monoline hand lettering so we will learn a cursive monoline font and a print monoline font and they will get to take home practice sheets and just get to learn a new skill set and I'm so excited it's just a fun way to inspire your communication with the Lord. Sometimes we get into a rut where we just read the Bible pray and we don't really get into it or question God "What do you want us to do...?" Bible journaling just opens that door for you to hear what he has to say and then express it in your own individual away.

For myself ministry circles has been an awesome way for me to learn to step outside of my comfort zone. I don't feel like I'm the best leader always and sometimes it's hard for me to feel like people want to be led by me. This has been a good opportunity for me to step out running something I'm passionate with and just call people to run alongside of me... that's what leadership really is you spread your passion around and encourage people to join in.

Would you believe i have the largest ministry circle?? i had 14 participants last week and i'm looking at at least 17 this week! crazy!

This week in practical ministry I have been focused on creating the outreach materials for our on location DTS in Alexandria, Egypt. For the first time ever in quarter 4 will be launching on location DTS you where you will be completely immersed in the activities and the engagement that comes along with outreach. Students will have practical Hands-On opportunities for the entire six months not just the three months of Outreach to help in refugee ministry, kids ministry, church services and so much more. I'm so excited to see what this next season of DTS looks like and so blessed to have a hand in making the cards that will bring a new students and share this new opportunity with so many people around the globe. It's new season it's a new learning style and I'm excited to get here to be a part of it.

Fast forward to Saturday night is Cafe night is a really awesome time for the community to get together and just be silly Share our talents and spend time together. Each quarter the DTS gets to host a cafe night. This quarter's theme was Disney I think it has to be the one of the best dress up themes and most engaging groups that I have seen in my time here with YWAM. Nearly every single person dressed up it was just so much fun. The entire BCC were characters from The Lion King. Getting to just hang out with your friends and encourage others as they share their talents is a perfect way to end the week.


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