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  • Writer's pictureKristen Pearson

MLD Lausanne, Switzerland- Week 4

Updated: Oct 26, 2019


It's week 4 of the Ministry and Leadership Development school here at YWAM Lausanne in Switzerland. This week we focused on community life, discipleship, and how we are to live our lives striving to be more like Jesus. As we do on Wednesdays we went down into the City and brought hot chocolate to those visiting the city Square as well as the homeless Community who live in the area. It's always such an awesome time to get to reach out and talk to people have great conversations make connections... you get to share the love of Christ through practical opportunities. Bringing a tray of steamy hot chocolate to people opens the door to engage in conversations. We talked to a Lady who is a Christian and she just got to tell us about what she feels Joy is and what she does to bring herself happiness, we took this opportunity to encourage her and pray with her. I also got this talk with a man who is a local here in Switzerland in Lausanne, he has come to our outreach before and chooses to come back because he says he loves to see God work through our hearts. I enjoyed talking with him he has done missions in India and supports many orphanages there so it was an open door for me to sit and chat with him and share a bit about my work in China at the Foster home. So often that's really what people need they don't need you to share the gospel with them they don't need you to come and tell them some long drawn-out story sometimes they just need you to be willing to listen. We should strive to be mirrors of the gospel by being like Jesus.

This weeks main topic in class was discipleship and spiritual formation and really focused on how growing and maturing in my walk I'm becoming more like a disciple... how that literally means mirroring God in every choice you make.

That also goes to say that after you get saved you're not just saved and you go back to your regular old life it's really not a healthy way to build the structure of discipleship really you have to take on the mindset, put on the new man and think "God declares me righteous" Yes, our sin disqualifies us from being a Believer but when God died on the cross he made us qualified. He brought us into communion with him and he set a path before us to walk as we follow him. This is not just a peak moment where we hit it and we've arrived and then we go back to our day. No, it's the peak moment that leads you over the hill and onto your next journey of the next giant Hill that is the rest of your life but this time you have God running alongside of you, or walking, or crawling whatever piece you're at. He's there and he has snacks and he has water and he's not going to let you give up he's there for you as he sets the example of how to climb and how to take on that role as a disciple it's just our job to mirror him because he gives us the road map through the gospels of how to do it we just have to be willing to submit and follow along.

This week has been a very engaging one during practical Ministries. "What are Practical Ministries?" Well during our 'Ministry and Leadership development school' we are each put in a campus roll to work for three months to engage with the community and see what it is like to function alongside the staff team. I know a lot of you are probably thinking "haven't you had a campus rule this whole time?" Well yes, I have been staffing for quite a few months now however in this season I'm actually dual jobbing between my roll in Communications alongside being the assistant to the president of the UonN who is our campus director Marcus. I do a ton of random jobs around the base including running errands going to the office supply store making copies lots of those types of things but I also get to transcribe things and create graphics to help Express the thoughts and ideas of the UofN and the YWAM Lausanne team. This week I am creating a visual presentation to represent our new campus structure for the University of the Nations. If you don't know we have hundreds of campuses all over the world that are remote campuses of the main campus in Kona. We're creating a way for there to be nearby Dean's available to each of our University communities right now it's just a bunch of words on paper and ideas in a lot of people's heads my job is to create graphic visuals. I'm learning so much I'm watching tons of YouTube videos and gaining new skills but I'm excited because this week I have created tons of 3D Graphics which I've really never gotten into so this week is both encouraging in my Ministry involvement but also in my personal design skull growth.

I am so enjoying running with the team here at YWAM Lausanne as we train up new teams to go to the nations!

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