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  • Writer's pictureKristen Pearson

August - New students

Updated: Nov 15, 2019

August was an amazing month filled with adventures, birthdays, outreach, new students, baby snuggles and lots and lots of trips to the lake! Every three months we welcome a new group of students to campus to be trained and equipped for Full-time missions and at the end of June 3 new schools arrives, our DTS (Discipleship training school) FCM (Foundations in counseling ministry) and WBH (The word by heart seminar) we welcomed them and excitedly ushered them into this next season of training.We celebrated Swiss prayer day by sending teams to each bordering nation to Switzerland... my team went to Austria and Lichtenstein! we prayed for the government and the people that they would hear from God and live/ rule with love and justice.

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