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  • Writer's pictureKristen Pearson

Student Arrival Week - MLDfa2

Updated: Jan 26, 2020

Well, it is the first week of a new quarter. I know technically last week was the first week of the new quarter but it was mostly filled with cleaning and organizing and getting our stuff lives back together.

This week we had our new students arrive on Monday for our next quarter of classes we are running a DTS which is a discipleship training school. An SBS which is a 24-month study of the Bible, the MLD which is what I took last semester at the ministry and leadership development school as well as an English learning for Missions course. I was blessed once again with the opportunity to meet a few students at the airport in Geneva and get them on the train to Lausanne and take at the end take a few back home with me in the car. I managed along the way to forget my parking ticket in the machine and not realize until I arrived in my car down 4 levels... oh it is real-life, haha it was an adventure. Thankfully we made it out without a fine and found our way home safely. I also helped with Decor and the welcome table for arrival day.

The first few days of this week I was able to plan meals for the kitchen and help to prepare those and help to give some ideas as to how we should prepare and present food to our staff and students and especially for those who may present with food allergies or food restrictions. I really do enjoy cooking cooking for large numbers is a bit stressful so it's not a role that I would want to take on full-time but I do love to bless others through cooking so I plan to when the need arises be willing to help. I also want to take some opportunities this quarter to host some ladies events for the staff ladies on the weekends here at our house and maybe do one that's a brunch and cook some pancakes and maybe one that's movie night and cook some appetizers and just get to bless others do you cooking and baking as at something I love very much.

This week I stepped back into my full-time role in the office and wow, you should see the list of responsibilities it's crazy. God is up to something because so much of it is things that I would have never thought of myself doing in this season. some of the main roles that I have are being in charge of hospitality emails and booking for our Hospitality House. Here at YWAM Lausanne, we have a Hospitality House with four rooms and that we allow guests to come to stay at free of charge to join our community for a short time. We love to host family and friends of staff to host alumni and different YWAM community members. We just allow them to come and experience Switzerland and not have to worry about the financial burden, it's really great blessing. We had a lot of email requests from people and So currently I am helping to feel those emails as well as plan out the booking schedule for our Hospitality House.

In the main building and classrooms, I am now in charge of the main space of our building so I'm in charge of the classroom Decor, the classroom AV audio and visual,, as well as creating an atmosphere for our different meetings. This includes getting flowers each week, making the room look nice as well as preparing the seating charts and arrangements. It's going to be a big role but I'm excited for it. This week I was able to go through our process for our visuals program on a computer and set up a diagram on how to import videos and photos and just make sure everything is streamlined and everyone is working as a community together in the same direction. I don't know in the coming year if we will keep this program but for right now I want to make it work as smoothly as possible.

So in the office, my role is kind of been split into two. I am the personal assistant of Marcus as our leader here in YWAM but also as his personal assistant as the president of the UofnN. They both hold numerous and different responsibilities and I'm excited as a lot of them are stretching me into new places that I'm not been but I'm excited to see how I can grow and what I can learn. I'm so blessed to be in this role I know it's kind of different from what you would think missions would be however to get people out on the front lines and it's the mission field there's got to be people working in the office and keeping everything running smoothly and that's what I do. :-)

I moved into my office a bit this week trying to make it more of my own I do share my office space with Marcus so I have to kind of keep it on the down-low but I want to try to get more organized.

I got to bless an awesome family in our base by babysitting their kids this week. It is a huge blessing in our community that we have families that get to run and full-time missions but we also have people that are willing to help them out when they need it. Their kids are great, we hung out and did origami and play games. They're a great group of kids. We've all been waiting for some snow and they couldn't just wait any longer so before I arrived they pulled out their skis and they were skiing around the house on the carpets pulling each other around and having a great time it was really fun to watch. I got to share with them some YouTube videos of how we ski in Florida and got to show them some videos from Ski-a-rees a ski performance show that my friend Avery is a part of. It was really neat to see their reactions to all of the tricks and shows that they're able to put on that they've never seen before in water.

At the end of the week we got to have a bit of a fun weekend I was able to secure five tickets to the opening hockey game of the 2020 youth Olympics here in Lausanne so I was able to take four of my friends with me we got to watch USA play versus Finland. You know the USA, they kicked butt and we won! It was so fun to be surrounded by so many people so many cultures cheering on my home country, I really enjoyed it.

All in all, I think this was a great first week to the quarter I'm excited to see what God does through the different schools and through the different students and how we get to interact with them. I am hoping maybe in the following week we can go back to the Olympics and maybe take our students and do some Outreach. We'll see we're going to talk about it in our upcoming meeting. Oh, speaking of meetings... something that I really appreciate here at the base is that on Thursdays we get together each morning and we do a collective Bible study with the non-School staff and I think that's an amazing way for us to learn about one another. it's such a blessing and I think it just helps to solidify how well we work as a team here.

I am slowly moving into my room and making it feel like home. This weekend I also finally got through writing a bunch of my Christmas cards, for me, late is better than never. I also cooked a yummy veggie omelet for breakfast, watched a few movies with friends and worked on my knitting! haha. I am excited for what's God is up to, I have to figure out my rhythm... there's just so much going on I'm just trying to get back in the groove. I'm thankful for what God is doing in my life.

I am still actively looking for both monthly and one time supporters. Please click the chart below to be directed to my YWAM Lausanne account to give. Any one-time amount is amazing, the chart below shows (the acorns) on what monthly gifts I still need to be fully funded in this missions adventure. Please pray and click below to give. CLICK HERE

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