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  • Writer's pictureKristen Pearson

I'm Back at it... MLDfa8

Well, it's been a couple of weeks since I've written. Trying to get back into the swing of things I got sick for a little while and I've kind of really been focused on one main project in my office roll for the past few weeks so there hasn't been much to write about.

But, there has still been a lot going on in the realm of missions or in the sense of being a full-time missionary because you've got a lot of ups and downs. This week I got an email that I had lost a supporter not so much that they backed out but that it was the end of my first year of support and I was unaware that their company only supports missionaries for 1 year and so it was about a third of what I currently receiving monthly gifts and I was a little freaked out but at the same time very much at a place that I was like okay God then something else is going to come through and within 24 hours I had gained a new supporter at the same amount so even in that God is always so faithful.

It finally snowed this week I think it's maybe like the fourth time since November and now it's already March so it was due but it's already all hitting nearly 12 degrees (c) and sunny even a few days after but while it was nice and thick snow I was able to go to town and pick up a bunch of sleds so that the students could have a sledding day is kind of funny as a Floridian going to the store and buying numerous sleds then going out to our back shed and digging through and pulling out more and more and more sleds. Yes, traipsing through the snow to a shed in the woods covered in icicles... so much different than what a March in Florida would look like.

In my ministry circle this week we upcycled old sweaters from our boutique into beanies and mittens to give out at our local outreach on Wednesday night.

This week as part of my practical Ministry I went to Ikea with my other hospy stuff and we bought an entire cart full of napkins and wrapping paper. You may think 'why in the world would you buy that many napkins and wrapping paper?' But, if you don't know hospitality is one of the main values of YWAM as a whole and we give lots of gifts so wrap lots of presents we need lots of wrapping paper. We have lots of parties and celebrations so we need a lot of napkins. We didn't really go in planning on filling an entire cart but a lot of the Christmas items were on sale and if you buy the ones that don't have overtly Christmas patterns on it you just get great wrapping paper and napkins at an awesome price. It's super fun I like going out and challenging myself to get the things that we need but also do it in creative and hopefully money-saving ways as I'm giving a lot of Grace and trust when it comes to shopping for Hospitality I get to pick up a lot of things, it's all about making things beautiful so you know if we are transitioning into a new season and the plants in the pots outside are needing a freshen up then I can go to the home store and get new plants I just have a lot of opportunities to step out and make the base a more beautiful place and make it feel more welcoming.

I'm actually in the midst of a complete redesign on the main classroom Bright White Walls navy blue curtains a new stage well not so much a new stage and actual stage for the first time... really cool lighting lots of fun welcoming Decor really creating a family room, not just a multi-purpose room. It's a fun little facet of this crazy role that I hold in the president's office, I get to you helped to create and facilitate some of the visuals and running of our facilities here on campus.

It was a positive time this week for my own little side business as well, I rebranded and created a new vision for myself which is really exciting and fun I have had the same business branding since 2015 it worked really well for the season I was in heading off to Hawaii and marketing to church is but I really want to be able to Branch out and not only to market to churches but also small businesses and other creatives. I used to just be 'Kristen Lee designs' and now I am 'Bien-aimee designs' which is beloved in French which I think is fun because if you know me then you know beloved has been my word since I turned 23 probably before that and I'm just excited to potentially step out into getting more clients and do more work I wholeheartedly believe that God gave us talents and abilities to help us to prosper in his kingdom and I want to see that for myself in 2020. I began the process of creating an online portfolio so that I can market more inline soon.

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