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  • Writer's pictureKristen Pearson

Lock Down - MLDfa11

Our last gathering as a base in Q1 2020.

What can I say about this week? Well, it's a week none of us ever saw coming. We are officially on lockdown and our base is closed. We are in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic and we are having to take measures to bring safety and alignment with government requests to our base and in a lot of ways that means shifting the things we do. We've minimized all group activities inside of the classroom to 10 people or less and outside of our building to five people or less and all courses have been moved online.

There's not much happening out of the ordinary in the day to day. Other than getting our basic requirements done to keep our base going, we are here to facilitate and support our students and staff in any way that we can. In the midst of this crisis, we have on the recommendation and requirements of our government had to send some staff and students home who did not meet the current visa requirements. Some staff and students have voluntarily returned home.

It's always hard when you have to see people go. I don't know that I've particularly enjoyed any parts of this week other than having a bit more free time to work on some personal projects. It's a very interesting time as we all walk into a season that none of us or our parents or grandparents have ever lived through before. I haven't really heard God saying anything to me in this season specifically other than to trust and I wholeheartedly believe that God will speak when you need Him to speak but other times he knows that you know what his intentions are and he watches you fulfill them.

As far as my contributions to the base this week I have done many odd jobs I've prepared breakfast, I've done a lot of cleaning. I have planted flower beds, I've lad my Ministry circle in watercolor painting Encouragement cards. I've researched Airbnb's, I have prepared zoom call backdrops, prepared YouTube playlist, recorded videos, driven people to the airport, Said many goodbyes and baked lots of things. I also have begun building my online portfolio... finally. I also made a few gallons of Master Tonic for the base.

In this season I think it's super important to be flexible and available and whenever you get the opportunity do something... don't just waste this season on YouTube and naps learn a new skill, become excellent in something, get out and take a walk, find what you enjoy and run after it. We are in uncertain times and there's no reason to waste what time we do have here in our community.

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