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  • Writer's pictureKristen Pearson

MLD Lausanne, Switzerland- Week 11

This week was the final week of school it's been quite the roller coaster ride here. And just like many before it it's been a super busy week.

My main projects in the beginning of this week we're finalizing Christmas cards for our base directors I think I came up with pretty great Design. My friend Jonathan took the photos and I edited them to how they are now it's a bit of a stretch and a change from their normal Christmas card style but they always use a frame so I just brought it up to the 21st century.

This week I've also been crocheting a lot to do stress I've made a couple headbands some hats and even tried a couple granny squares it's been a nice thing to keep my hands busy and my mind from getting too overwhelmed. This week in class we had Francis Obaiko from Germany in to teach on public speaking and communication. We learned a lot of good qualities about public speaking... such as eye contact, not using filler words, slowing down, remembering all of the information, interviewing your guest speakers so that you can share the information with the class, and taking time to really know the subject that you're speaking on.

We also learned about cross cultural communication as YWAM is one of the largest cross cultural organizations associated with missions in the world it was really intriguing to hear warm culture vs. Cold culture communication and see if I can compare that to the way I communicate with people if I'm using it positively into my best extent to help others to understand the things that I need to express to them is definitely a great time and it's always good to have friends here as speakers. Francis is one of the most successful Christian freelancers that I know he is actually to the point that he runs the networking for Christian freelance company and helps to support YWAMers through that in championing them to take on freelance roles. In the New year we plan to connect again, we connected during the summer at the 50th and I would like to help him mentor me into the role that I long to have as a professional freelancer not to pay my bills but you have abundance to get to bless others with.

On Wednesday night we went back out to the city to help the salvation army we were once again in the square with the Christmas market and this time we handed out Christmas cards with English and French Christmas blessing on the back our salvation army bell ringer was also heading out tea. Even though it was cold and rainy we still had to bless a lot of people. This week we also left a team at our regular Outreach location with hot chocolate and they got to give so many people Christmas blessings warm hot chocolate and just spend time chatting that's the point of arches anyway.

It also snowed that day lots and lots and lots of snow up at our house big fat snowflakes but as soon as we crossed past the highway into town it begin raining this is such an odd experience for me.

This week has been a reminder that I'm not defined by who I think I am but I'm really defined by what God sees in me and what I pour out to others so this week I saw this description of my enneagram type and it really felt so positive to me.

On Friday it was our official last day of classes and we did a debrief up in Chatel which is another Wyoming base about 40 minutes away all through the school we've been taking care of plants and so we had to bring her plants to the base and talk about how the survival of our plant has contrasted with our time and MLD some people's plants grew really well some like mine went through a season of being over-watered and some came even dead but it was cool to see how they interpreted that as their journey. We also were able to receive encouraging words from everyone it was so awesome to hear people say the things that they felt about me it made me feel like I've grown so much in this season and then I'm really ready to step full force back into staffing I'm excited to see what the next season holds.

After we went to an awesome home store that was all decorated for Christmas, similar to bass pro shop. it was very fun and those of us who are staying on as staff we got plants for our new rooms. I found out that i will be moving into my own room and you know i plan to fill it with plants and joy! :) We finished the night and the quarter with a huge charcuterrie dinner and a movie. we are truly blessed with a great staff team.

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